Here’s How I’m Staying Sane in 2020: Easy, Lazy De-Stressors

Here's How I'm Staying Sane in 2020

2020 is basically a global dumpster fire. It’s hard to find the positive any way you look at things, from the pandemic, to politics, to police brutality. Due to chronic pain, I already have a low stress threshold. It’s all just too much some times.

Personally, I’m struggling to keep up with my meditation practice, even though I know it helps me. Instead I’m trying to be mindful while I do everyday tasks, like taking a walk, making dinner of even brushing my teeth. Instead I’m finding that turning to comforting, enjoyable things is the best way to de-stress and stay sane (more or less?).

Just hoping I might get around to nature walks or cat cuddles means I either forget, or I don’t mindfully take it in. Walking through a park while looking at my phone cancels out the benefits. So, I’ve found that intentionally seeking these things out and planning to do them has helped me to make them  part of my routine. Which one of these ideas do you find most helpful?

Animal Companionship

If I was going to name the reasons why I love the company of my cat Sara, I would list her affection, her funny antics and her general adorable-ness. But it turns out that, in addition, spending time with her is also good for my health. Specifically, animal companionship can reduce pain, lower stress and improve mood in people with chronic pain (Confronting  Chronic  Pain). These benefits are experienced not only by pet parents, but by anybody who spends time with an animal. If adopting a cat or dog is not feasible for you, consider visiting regularly with a friend or family member’s pet. You can also talk with your doctor about clinics or organizations that provide therapy dog visits – even a couple of short sessions per week can make a difference!

Commune With Nature

The power of flowers: did you know that just looking at images of nature is enough to reduce your stress and anxiety? A 2015 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health found that just five minutes spent gazing at natural photos promotes relaxation and recovery after experiencing a stressful period. Who doesn’t need some of that right now?!

Of course, getting out into nature is even better: it lowers stress levels and boosts mood. It help us to get out of our heads, stop ruminating about our worries and pay attention to the here-and-now. One study showed that walking in a forest lowered blood pressure and reduced levels of the stress hormone cortisol (NBC). You don’t have to be able to hike to enjoy nature. As long as you are in a natural setting – sitting on a bench, enjoying a picnic, or lying back with the car doors open– are all ways to enjoy the benefits of relaxing outside. Recently, I researched accessible parks and paths in my area and have been able to spend several lovely afternoons relaxing in nature – I always feel better for several days afterwards!

Tune in to Music

Listening to music is a powerful way to de-stress. Music directly impacts our feelings via the unique effect listening to it has on the functioning of our brains and bodies. Research has demonstrated that listening to music, particularly calming classical music, causes lower blood pressure, reduced heart rate and a drop in stress hormones (Psych Central). Music acts as a positive distraction, while also anchoring us in the present moment. But the benefits don’t stop there. Tuning in for an hour a day has been found to reduce pain and depressionby up to a quarter (Science Daily.) In this study, it did not matter whether participants listened to their favourite relaxing music or music chosen by researchers. I’ve found that listening to music when I’m having trouble sleeping or experiencing a lot of fatigue is very renewing.

Try Probiotics

Could the way to mental health be through your stomach? An emerging field of research has found links between probiotics (healthful bacteria that live in the digestive tract) in the gut and brain function. Some probiotics produce neurotransmitters (chemicals that regulate the nervous system), such as serotonin, that affect mood. When neurotransmitters are secreted by probiotics in the digestive tract, they may trigger the complex nerve network in the gut to signal the brain in a way that positively effects emotions (University Health News). In some studies, certain probiotics have been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and depression, including Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum. Probiotics can be taken as a supplement or eaten in fermented foods like yogurt, kefir, kombucha, miso and kimchi.

Laughter is the Best Medicine

We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine, but we feel stressed it can be hard to find the humour in things. However, laughter is one of the best antidotes for stress and anxiety – just 5 or 10 minutes can reduce muscle tension, increase endorphin levels, lower blood pressure and regulate levels of stress hormone cortisol (Adrenal Fatigue Solution). Rather than hoping something funny will happen on a stressful day, take advantage of the benefits of laughter by watching your favourite comedy show, sitcom or stand-up comedian. I find it hard to stay in a bad mood after watching late night TV, and who doesn’t love being able to say that you have to watch another episode of your favourite sitcom because it’s good for your mental health?



Adrenal Fatigue Solution (The stress-relieving benefits of laughter)

Confronting Chronic Pain (Can a pet help your chronic pain?)

NBC (How the simple act of being in nature helps you de-stress)

Psych Central (The power of music to reduce stress)

Science Daily (Listening to music can reduce chronic pain and Depression by up to a quarter)

University Health News (The best probiotics for mood: Psycho-biotics may enhance the gut brain connection)

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